Hibiscusis or Chinese hibiscus, shoeblack plant, karcade. It comes from South-East Asia and Polynesia. Red hibiscus is sacred flower in Polynesia. The plant was taken to Europe in the late 17th century.
Hibiscusis really beautiful shrub that grows in various tropical areas. This evergreen deciduous plant has bare stem. Alternate leaves are located on leafstalks. Its graceful flowers are rather large. Their brightly coloured halos are located in the upper part of the shoot, and have three leaflets in calyculars.
Hibiscus key healing property is its extreme richness with antioxidants, having rejuvenating effect. Antioxidant ables protect body from the negative effects of free radicals, thereby guarding it from tumors formation, including malignant ones. Hibiscus flowers have diuretic properties, assisting to reduce high body temperature. It helps to overcome stress and get rid of chronic fatigue.