- Seven medicinal plants composing “Kyzyl may” medical product are unique, they embody strength of the seven planets, having wholesome effect to our health: St. John’s wort – the Sun, nettle – the Venus, wild rose –the Mars, sea buckthorn – the Jove, Melissa –the Saturn, thyme –the mercury, licorice – the Pluto.
- Undisputable evidences of the facts that humans are using curative properties of the plants through the whole history of mankind have been found in the earliest written artifacts of human culture. First records telling of medicinal plants have been found in the most ancient ones of written artifacts ever found – these records belong to Sumerian living in Asia, modern Iraqi territory 6000 years B.C.E.
- In “Eber’s papyrus” referring to 6th century BC, Egyptians collected over 900 formulations to cure various diseases with herbs. Phytotherapy came to Europe from the Ancient Greece.
- About 900 herbs are described in Avicenna’s “The Canon of Medical product” book
along with administration modes. - Tibetan medical product grew up based on Indian one, and “Zhud-Shi” Tibetan medical product tractate contains large section devoted to medicinal plants use.
- Pineapple is medicinal plant and its importance in medical product is similar to aloe value. Artichoke is tasty vegetable which is simultaneously perfect remedy for nausea and colic. And peanut, is widely used to manufacture the variety of pharmaceuticals.
- Nettle fresh leaves, have twice more ascorbic acid than black currant and have more carotene than sea buckthorn berries, carrot roots and leaves of sorrel.
- Burdock seeds are considered to be strategic raw materials in Japan, and their export is prohibited.
- Of 500 000 plant species known on the Earth nowadays, over 12 k are medicinal ones healing properties of which are used in modern scientific medical product.
- The oldest medical tractate available is a plate found in Sumerian city excavations (third millennium BC). 145 lines of Sumerian give 15 prescription formulations
- Cocoa oil was used as suppository base for the first time in France by Antoine Bohm, pharmacist, in 1766and since then it became one of the universal bases in the pharmaceutical practice.
- Since ancient times, until paper has been invented, flat wooden boards have been used for writing, one-side was coated, and letters were written in the wax
- Specific feature of propolis making it different from synthesized antibiotics is that bacteria, able to adapt to antibiotics, even of the latest generation, are unable to develop “immunity” against natural antiseptic-propolis.
- A bee should visit about a million honey-yielding flowers to collect 100 grams of honey. If the flowers to collect bribes are1.5 km away from the hive, the bee flying 3 km with every burden, will have to make their way around 450 000 km to collect kilogram of honey. This distance is 11 times longer than globe equator’s circumference.
- During its flight to get honey, or, in fact on way back, nectar is a kind of fuel for bees. So, flying to long distance flowers, the bee can bring back up to 30% nectar, the rest will be consumed for current needs.
- Bees layup to18pollen loads of140-180mg weight in a single cell honey comb. Average single pollen load composition has 100 000 pollengrains, one pollen load weight is 0,008through0, 015g. In summertime pollens are heavier than in spring or fall. Bees bring up to 400pollens a day, and during the season bee-family gathers 25-30, and sometimes up to 55kg of pollen. Normally up to 25-30% of summer bees work to gather pollen. They bring100-400(rarely up to 1-2kg.) pollen.
- To fell honey sack, accommodating 40 mg nectar bee must visit at least 200 sunflowers, sainfoin or mustard flowers 15-20 horticultural crops, 130-150 flowers of winter rapeseed, coriander or ranks per one flight.
- On rough surfaces the bee is able to haul cargo 320 times exceeding her bodyweight (horse carries a load equal to its own body weight).
Insider tips for sea-buckthorn:
- First mentioning of sea-buckthorn can be found in “rGyud Bzi”Tibetan medicinal texts, eight century B.C., it was used as medical product as far back as Ancient China. Sea-buckthorn is real long liver of mother Earth. To scientists’ opinion, its age is about 24 mln. years;
- Sea-buckthorn contains over190 nutritional agents, thus sea-buckthorn berries are magnified as “saint berries”;
- Sea-buckthorn berries has 10 times more vitamin С than lemon;
- Sea-buckthorn’s bark contains much serotonin(feel-good chemical) – thousand times more than banana or chocolate;
- Along with blood rood, sea-buckthorn was the first agent used to treat Chernobyl accident sufferers;
- Sea-buckthorn is able to survive in heavy 40- degrees frosts, it will not be rooted to the spot in case long-term dry weather;
- Sea-buckthorn oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial action, it stimulates soft tissues’ regeneration processes, prevents diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, skin conditions development;
- Sea-buckthorn seeds decoction is effective purgative agent;
- During Seoul Olympic Games sportsmen were given sea-buckthorn to facilitate their results (year 1988);
- Anti-oxidant (agent cleaning the body from damaged molecules) is the best of all word to characterize sea-buckthorn;
- Cosmetic medical products containing sea-buckthorn prevent wrinkle formation, have nourishing effects, activate and regenerate skin;
- Sea-buckthorn sap is able to cure such hair conditions as dandruff, hair fragility and dryness;
- 90% of all sea-buckthorn is growing in China. And in the period 1950 through 1985 sea-buckthorn was planted at 200 000 hectares territory to preserve soil and water and to make fuel wood of it;
- In the Ancient Greece sea-buckthorn was used to cure horses and it was called Hippophae – Glossy Horse (“hippos” – horse, “faos” – glossy), as its leaves were not only remedy of diseases but also put into shape horse coat making it smooth and trimmed;
- Ancient Greece philosophers mention sea-buckthorn in their papers. According to Greece mythology sea-buckthorn was the favourite food of Pegasus – flying horse.