Use of Kyzyl May polyherbal oil and propolis in complex transendoscopic treatment of ulcer disease.
Е. A. Izatullaev
Department of Nutrition and Gastroenterology (Head – professor V.B. Maksimenko) Kazakh Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute
Now the arsenal of antiulcer medical products contains more than 1000 articles. Such considerable number of anti-ulcerous agents is explained by not quite satisfactory results of ulcer disease treatment characterized by rather long terms of ulosis and absence of fail-safe anti-relapsing effect that requires the search of new treatment methods of ulcer disease.
It is well known that it is possible to resolve trophic destruction of stomach lining and duodenum, and adverse effect of pathological microflora in ulcer-bearing area in case of erosive and ulcer process in the specified area by means of local administration of different medical products (V.N. Preobrazhenskiy and others, 1986).
All local methods for ulcer disease treatment are reduced to the following directions:
- the methods for the erasion of necrotic detritus from ulcer; its lavage by antiseptic solutions and mechanical cleaning from necrotic masses;
- the methods leading to the reduction of perifocal inflammation and inactivity of bacterial flora;
- the methods for anagenesis acceleration and ulcer protection against harmful impact of aggressive factors;
- block of nerve terminals or trunks.
Polyherbal oil, which contains oily extracts from hypericum flowers, sea buckthorn fruits, flowers, fruits, roots of brier, grass of nettle, thyme, balm, and roots of licorice is the perspective poly-composition medical product for local therapeutic intervention by endoscopic application on ulcerous defect since its components are capable to accelerate healing of ulcers in gastroduodenal area, stimulating interfacial cell proliferation of patching epithelium of stomach lining, activating the factors, which strengthen re-epithelialization and create a cicatrix. In particular, hypericum possesses astriction, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antiseptic properties. Fruits of sea buckthorn and brier accelerate granulation and epithelialization of tissues promoting faster healing of ulcers; possess polyvitaminic effect. Antiseptic properties of thyme are well-known. Balm normalizes motor-evacuation function of stomach. Nettle possesses wound healing properties. Coating properties of licorice are well-known.
No doubt, all the above-mentioned medical qualities of polyherbal oil in relation to ulcer disease can be implemented in case of oral administration; however, presence of necrotic masses on ulcerous defect reduces the efficacy of its direct action. Besides, oral administration of oily medical products in rather high quantities can cause gastro-bulbar bilis backflow that promotes unfavorable influence of bile acids on ulcer healing processes.
In this regard it is more expedient to use curative qualities of polyherbal oil in case of ulcer disease by its aimed application on ulcerous defect.
Implementation of medicinal properties of polyherbal oil in case of its application directly on ulcerous defect requires preliminary sanitation. From this point of view local debridement of gastroduodenal ulcers with spirit solution of propolis with the subsequent introduction of polyherbal oil is the most expedient.
It is known that propolis possesses antiulcer properties, in particular, it increases the lifetime of epithelial cells of mucous membrane of gastroduodenal area, stimulates defluvium increasing its protective properties, reduces its back diffusion of N-ions, forms the drape on ulcer surface and reduces the degree of gastritic changes. Besides, propolis has local anesthetic effect in the area of its application.
The researches were conducted on 10 patients with ulcer disease in the periods of aggravation. In 6 patients ulcerous defect was localized in the duodenal bulb (front and upper parietes); in 4 patients mediogastric ulcers (lesser gastric curvature) were found. The sizes of ulcers made from 0,5 to 1,0 cm in diameter. Sex-age characteristics: age of the patients – from 22 to 63 years, men – 7, women – 3. Treatment was outpatient. Other medical products were not prescribed, the patients’ nutrition corresponded to the recommendations of diet No. 1 (by Pevzner).
The sessions of medical endoscopy were made every 2 days with preliminary application on ulcer defect of 10% of spirit solution of propolis (4 ml) and its subsequent processing with polyherbal oil (3 ml).
It was established that in all cases the pain syndrome considerably decreased after the 1st session. In case of repeated sessions essential reduction of the size of ulcerous defect was marked in all 10 patients (on average by 1/3 in diameter).
In 4 patients with duodenal ulcer the full epithelialization of ulcer defect was established after 4 sessions of medical endoscopy, longer treatment (about 15 days) was required for 2 patients.
In 3 cases of stomach ulcer the full epithelialization of ulcer defect came after 5-6 sessions, in 1 case the defect healing wasn’t reached in the specified period, nevertheless, in the latter case a considerable reduction of ulcer sizes, and improving of overall health of the patient was observed.
Thus, data received show essential positive effect of the used combined transendoscopic method of stomach ulcer treatment and feasibility of its implementation in clinic.