History at a Glance
LLP “FitOleum” was organized by brothers Eugene and Vladimir Perepelitsa and the first commercial release was carried out at Almaty pharmaceutical factory. (TR no. 004-92).

Trademark “Kyzylmay” is registered (no. 4643).

The first pharmacopoeial monograph on polyherbal oil “Kyzylmay” is approved (PM RK 42-47-95).

The original technology to suppositories “Kyzylmay”, suppositories “Kyzylmay with propolis”, herbal tea cleansing “Pohudeyka” is patented. Suppositories “Kyzylmay” and “Kyzylmay with propolis” are registered.

New production plant of 1064 m² is put in operation.

Works on cultivation of medicinal plants on own plantations are carried out.

Мedical product for the implementation of GMP is started.

Аn automated line (Italy) for the production of suppositories, complying with the requirements GMPEC is launched.

The pharmaceutical developments of original drugs together with Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University.
Reconstruction of production facilities in accordance with GMPEC requirements.

Modern filtration unit (Russia), complying with the requirements GMPEC is launched.
The QMS ISO 9001-2009 “Quality Management System for the development, production and sales of drugs” is introduced.

The pharmaceutical developments of original drugs together with Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University and National University of Pharmacy (Ukraine).

Modern air handling and water treatment system (Russia) in compliance with GMP requirements is put in operation.

Scientific and practical analytical laboratory is certified.

Implementation of GMP standard and certification for compliance with the state standards in distribution of medical products “Good Manufacturing Practice” (GMP) in the production site of oil extracts and production site of suppositories.

Medical products for the implementation of the GACP standard “Good Agricultural and Collection Practice” are carried out.

New original medical products based on natural raw materials are registered: nettle oil, licorice oil, burdock oil, polyherbal oil Shukur May, buckthorn suppositories with Kyzylmay.

Implementation of the standard HACCP “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. Requirements for all organizations in the chain of production and consumption of food products”.

2016 January
Complying the second line for production of suppositories (Italy) corresponding to GMP EC requirements.

2022 February
Corporate Anniversary – 30 Years in the Pharmaceutical Market of Kazakhstan.
Dear friends! The Fitoleum team expresses gratitude to you for being with us, for choosing us, a domestic manufacturer, every time you plan to visit a pharmacy. We would like to thank you for your kind words and reviews, your comments and support, and your choice of our products. We are so happy that you help us improve and move forward! In return, we guarantee high quality at affordable prices.
In the last 30 years, we have gone through a challenging path of development and overcome obstacles and difficulties. There were failures and joys, but the trust of customers is our most important achievement as more than one generation has grown up on Fitoleum’s most recognizable product, the Kyzyl may polyphyto composed oil! Millions of vials sold, thousands of thanks received from our customers — this is the main result of our anniversary! The confidence of our customer is our main value and the biggest gift! Thank you!