Visceral daseases

Polyherbal oil “Kyzyl May”® in complex therapy of some medical diseases.

A.A. Hoffman
Obstetrics and gynecology department of Kazakh Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute (head, associate professor Hoffman A.A.).

One of the current problems of modern obstetrics and gynecology is the prevention of infection after operative wounds (N. D. Volkov, 1986). The frequency of development of a wound infection after obstetric and gynecologic surgeries ranges from 15,5% to 29,98% of cases (G. K. Stepankovskaya, S. Ya. Solsky, 1989).

The application of antibiotics in the postoperative period doesn’t resolve issues as the number of antibiotic – resistant activators according to the data from V. I. Kulakov with co-author (1984) increased by 20 times. It should be noted that at the mentioned contingent of women come around the high frequency of risk factors of development of purulent – septic diseases. Among these are:

  1. Texis that even at their physiological course, according to the data I.N. Golovistikova (1981), are accompanied by a condition of a relative immunodeficiency which restoration happens only by 5-6 postartum days.
  2. The delivery by cesarean surgery has a very adverse impact on the immune reactivity of the woman and normalization of indicators of immunity according to the data from S. D. Buliyenko and V. I. Pirogova (1982) happens at them by 10-12 postartum days.
  3. At the emergency delivery by cesarean surgery, the frequency of postoperative complications is 2-5 times higher, than at planned surgeries.
  4. The extra genital diseases, pathological gestation course and childbirth according to the data from G. I. Gerasimovich (1989) are also accompanied by dramatic decline of immune reactivity of a maternal organism.
  5. Surgeries concerning the laceration of cervix, vagina and crotch at childbirth, in particular affected by not cured coleitis when the health environment in a vagina is obviously not sterile.
  6. Continuance stay of women at hospital before childbirth or before surgery that promotes the development of a hospital acquired disease (K.G. Meykholl, 1990).
  7. Surgeries at persons of aged and later life as with age the functional activity of immune system and ability of tissues to regeneration considerably decrease (M.P. Pavlovsky and co-author, 1987).
  8. Women with genital tumors as the development condition even benign tumors is the decrease of natural immunity (A.A. Krivchik, 1987; G. B. Bilynsky and co-author, 1991).

Taking into account a high risk of development of purulent – septic complications at obstetric and gynecologic patients, we were used in 116 women, including in 94 in postoperative period, in 17 – after diatermolektroexcision and coagulations of cervix uteri and in 5 women with trophic genital ulcers, the polyherbal Kyzyl May oil representing an oil extract of John’s – wort flowers, sea-backthorn fruits, flowers, briar fruits and roots, nettle, thyme and Melissa and also licorice roots that shows the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimycotic, wound – healing, polyvitaminic and immunostimulating action. Besides, according to the data from the literature, the components form a part of a medication promote reactivation of the compromised laxation, help to the biliation, prevent vomiting, stop atympony, normalize processes of microcirculation in tissues, reduce perception of pain, improve adaptative forces of an organism, reduce cholesterol level in blood that is very important in the course of the postoperative period at elderly people (D. Yordanov and co-author, 1972; A.D. Turova, E.N. Sapozhnikova, 1982; S. Ya. Sokolov, I.P. Zamotayeva, 1984).

Prior receiving an optimal effect, polyherbal oil was placed on locally and per os. After celiac surgeries, the aseptic dressing placed on an operative wound, twice a day, was infiltrated with polyherbal oil. After vaginal procedures the medical product was injected locally – intravaginal per 5 – 10 ml 2 times per day. After diatermoelektroexcision and coagulations, and also in the presence of bed sores, the vulval pads penetrated with polyherbal oil were used. Concurrent with topical treatment all patients received “Kyzylmay” inside per 1 teaspoon 3 times per day. Types of surgeries after which patients received polyherbal oil, are represented in table 1.

The prescription of polyherbal oil after plastic surgeries on an erineum and rectum, prevented the appearance of fecal tumors, helps a defekation and promoted a discharge of “a velvet bowel movement”. The use of polyherbal oil after coeliac surgeries had the normalizing impact on an intestinal motility and was a prophylactic medical product for postoperative intestinal paralysis.

Types of surgeries after which treatment was carried out the treatment by polyherbal Kyzylmay oil
No.Type of surgeryNumber of p/t patients
1.Perineorrhaphy concerning the perineal ruptures of the I-II during the birth14
2.Sealing of fresh and old lacerations of cervix of the I-II degree11
3.Sealing of old perineal tears of the III degree3
4.Frontal and back colpoperineorrhaphy with levatorplastic6
5.Sterilization on the basis of celicolpotomy2
6.Sterilization on the basis of minilaparotomy1
7.Manchester operation according to Donald and Fotergilla9
9.Vaginal supracervical uterine amputation4
10.Caesarean section13
11.Conservative myomoectomy3
12.Supracervical uterus amputation10
14.Surgeries on the processes9
Only 94 patients were discharged from the hospital

Surgeries of a vaginal hysterectomy and the Manchester operation according to Donald and Fotergilla were carried out to elderly and old age women (62-79 years). Despite the lowered ability of tissues to regeneration specific to aging patients, the usage of polyherbal oil provided all of them the healing of postoperative wounds with the primary intention and a timely discharge from the hospital.

After celiac and plastic surgeries at all patients receiving treatment by the medication “Kyzylmay” the postoperative period I proceeded unremarkable, healing of postoperative wounds happened by the primary intention.

Infiltration and partial disruption took place only at three women: in two cases after sealing of perineal laceration in childbirth on the background of undiagnosed trichomoniasis, and in one case the separation on cervix in the presence of timely unrecognized chlamydial infection. Therefore, the frequency of infection of a postoperative wound in the course of the treatment by polyherbal oil made 3,19%

Except 94 operated women the treatment by polyherbal Kyzylmay oil was carried out in 17 women after diatermoelektroexcision and coagulations of cervix uteri concerning erosions and in 5 patients for the purpose of stopping over of trophic ulcers and bed sores on cervix uteri and on vagina walls in the presence of old perineal lacerations with colpoptosis, cysto and rektocele (2), with elongation of cervix uteri (2) and at full falling of womb (1). According to the current opinion the cervix uteri epithelialization after a diatermoelektroexcision and coagulation occurs within 45 days, but according to the data from V. I. Bodyazhina (1978) can be skinned over till 3 and more months. The use of polyherbal oil speed up time of cervix epithelialization time after diatermoelektroexcision and coagulation till 27 – 30 days and the full healing of trophic ulcers and bed sores on a cervix uteri and walls of a vagina happened within 30 – 35 days.

Irritant action at vaginal, skin and oral use of polyherbal oil “Kyzylmay” wasn’t observed in one of cases.

As the illustration of successful medical product administration of “Kyzylmay” can serve the following example from practical experience.

Pregnant S., 30 years, labor and delivery record No. 432, admitted to the department of pregnant women pathology of clinical maternity hospital No. 1, Almaty 14.02.95 with the diagnosis: Pregnancy of 36-37 weeks. Uterine scar. Nephropathy of the I degree, long – standing gestosis (4 weeks). Hypochromic anemia of the I degree. Chronic fetoplacental insufficiency. Colpitis mycotica.

Anamnesis data: primipregnancy in 1985 at the full-term and shoulder presentation of a fetus became complicated premature amniorrhea concerning what was carried out the delivery with the help of cesarean operation in the lower segment by a cross-section. The child with the weight 3800 g – is alive. The postoperative period became complicated by endomyometritis and maturation of cutaneous suture concerning what the patient was treated longtime, she was send home from the hospital only for the 45th days after operation. The second pregnancy in 1987 ended with the artificial abortion in the term of 6-7 weeks without complications. From 1987 to 1993 she was protected from pregnancies by means of IUD. The third pregnancy – this one.

In the term of 17-18 weeks were in progress the threatened miscarriage phenomena concerning what she was in inpatient treatment within 2 weeks. In the 4th week leading up to the admission there were hydropes, and 3 weeks later – albuminaria and anemia. Incoming at hospital on an anterior abdominal wall was found the rough postoperative cicatrix from a bosom to omphalus healed by the secondary adhesion, soldered to the subjacent tissues sensitive in palpation in the lower departments. Within two weeks was carried out the treatment concerning a gestosis, anemia, fetoplacental insufficiency and a colpitis, then on 1.03.95 in the term of 38 – 39 weeks the pregnant woman routinely was allowed for delivery by cesarean operation in the lower segment by a cross-section with the ablation of the old uterine scar thinned to 2 mm. The fetus was taken, male, with the weight of 3850 g, 51 cm in height, with an assessment on a scale the Hangar of 7-8 points. The section on uteri is closed according to Eltsov – Strelkov. After ablation of a skin hem the anterior abdominal wall was closed in layer-by-layer tightly. The cosmetic stitch and aseptic dressing was imposed on a skin with polyherbal oil Kyzylmay. In the next days the treatment of a bandage on a wound was carried out per 2 times per day. From the second day the woman accepted polyherbal oil per os per 1 teaspoon 3 times per day, and taking into account a colpitis the medical product was injected per 5 ml by 2 times per day in a vagina through a catheter.

The postoperative period proceeded without complications. The healing of a skin seam by the primary intention, happened for the 6th day. After normalization of blood values the new mother S.’s was send home from the hospital in a satisfactory condition with the child for the 8th days after operation.

Despite the existence in considered case of risk factors, the development of the postoperative purulent – septic complications (gestosis, anemia, colpitis, hospital stay within two weeks till delivery), prevention of these complications by means of polyherbal oil Kyzylmay was very successful that proves high efficiency of this medical product.

Thus, the use of polyherbal oil “Kyzylmay” after obstetric and gynecologic operations prevents infection of seams on a skin and mucous genitals, promotes faster healing of postoperative wounds that is especially important at elderly and old age people, normalizes a laxation and facilitates the defecation in the postoperative period, considerably speeds up a cervix uteri epithelialization after diatermoelexcision and coagulation, promotes faster healing of trophic ulcers and bed sores on cervix uteri and on vagina walls at descent of female genitals that allows to recommend it for broad practical application.