
The use of Polyherbal oil “Kyzyl May”® by keratitis treatment.

E. K. Mambetov, R. K. Sabirova
Department of ophthalmology (head – prof. Mambetov E. K.) Kazakh Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute

Among the ophthalmological diseases, an illness of cornea makes 25% and has high specific gravity (to 50%) in an etiology of blindness and hypovision. At the present time is noted the increasing tendency in frequency of inflammatory – dystrophic diseases of cornea – keratitis, especially by means of damages of secondary habit. It is caused by increase in average age of the population, appreciable quality of burn and mechanical injuries of cornea, ever-increasing number of operations with the opening of an eyebulb and in particular, with the use of intraocular lenses, and also toxicity of some dosage bands used during surgeries.

From January 1, 1990 to December, 1994 were in eye microsurgical units of 1 and II central city clinical hospital of the city of Almaty on hospital examination and treatment 1163 patients with keratitis.

The seriousness and practical importance of diagnostics, treatment and preventive measures of keratitis are caused by that the ophthalmologic science has no rather nonsurgical therapy of this eye pathology.

On the basis of a clinical picture and data of complete physical examination in 187 patients were diagnosed exogenetic infectious keratitis, including also burn keratitis; in 292 patients exogenic virus keratiisa; in 164 patients endogenic deep keratitis; in 112 patients -endogenic neurotrophic keratitis; in 108 patients – postoperative keratitis.

All patients were carried out the complex conservative treatment: medicated, physiotherapy, helium – neon laser treatment.

Small efficiency of conservative treatment explains by the failure of cells of a back epithelium of cornea of the person to mitosis with formation of new, functionally full cells and also speedy progress of nonreversible dystrophic processes in the hyper hydrated cornea.

We used in conservative treatment of keratitis the polyherbal oil “Kyzyl may” in 40 patients. Polyherbal oil represents oil extract of drug plants (flowers of St. John’s wort, fruits of sea-buckthorn, flowers, fruits, briar roots, nettle, thyme, Melissa, glicorice) applied as medical product.

We used “Kyzyl may” locally, in the form of instillations in a conjunctival cavity per 1-2 drop 3-4 times per day. Treatment course – 10-15 days. If necessary we repeated the treatment course in 4 weeks. It is possible to recommend 2-3 courses.

Side effects after instillations of “Kyzyl may” were shown in the form of acute burning within several seconds. For the purpose of decrease of an irritant action of “Kyzyl may”, before instillations in a conjunctival cavity instilled per 1 drop 0,5% of solution of a dicain, or 2% of a trimecain.

Below, as an example, is indicted of one of our supervision: – patient Bokov M. V., 1974; disease history 3267, received medical treatment in the I eye department of central city clinical hospital from 06.03 to 21.03.95 with the diagnosis: Recidivate keratitis of the right eye. Open-angle glaucoma II a (operated), aphacia. The left eye – Open-angle glaucoma IV a (operated).

Incoming he complained of pains, reddenings of the right eye;

absence of central vision on both eyes. General condition satisfactory. Internals condition- without pathological findings. Incoming:

OD. Visus = 0,005, it isn’t corrective;

OS. Visus = 1/infinity рг. I. certa, , it isn’t corrective.

OV. VGD – 23 mm Hg.

The right eye (OD) – is acute irritable, the cornea is opacity, edematous, an epithelium steaminess, from a limb last interfacial neovasculature; in the paracentral zones on 3 parts – fasing, is diffusive painted by fluorescein, corneal sensitivity is acute reduced in all quadrants; anterior chamber of average depth; liquid is hyaloid, iris is subatrophick, on 10 parts – basal coloboma; the pupil is narrow, at the center, round, reacts to the light; the crystalline humor is opacity, fundus reflex is absent.

At hospital was carried out the conservative treatment: OD – levomycetin drops 0,3%, 1 to x 4 times per day: “Kyzyl may” 4 to x 4 times per day; helium – neon laser; intramuscularly – pirogenal according to the schedule.

In the course of the treatment (for the 7th day):

OD. Visus = 0,04, isn’t corrective;

OS. Visus = 1/infinity рг. I certa, isn’t corrective.

The right eye is moderately irritable, a cornea on 7-12 parts is hyaloid, taking an optical zone; in a paraoptical zone at 3 hour – the fasing epithelizes, isn’t painted by fluorescein; from a limb on a cornea last superficial veins, corneal sensitivity increased (except an internal quadrant); internal environment – in dynamics without changes.

Thus, there was noted the opportunity and considerable prospects of widespread use of polyherbal oil “Kyzyl may” in ophthalmological practice, in particular, in treatment of keratitis. “Kyzyl may”, having anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, speeds up the processes of an epithelialization of a cornea and has the immunostimulating effect.

At application of “Kyzyl may” there weren’t noted in patients neither allergic, nor toxic side effects.

The use of polyherbal oil doesn’t exclude the application of alternative methods of conservative treatment and in some cases increases the efficiency of joint effects of these methods of conservative treatment.

The conducted clinical observations allow recommending polyherbal oil “Kyzyl may” for widespread use by the inflammatory and degenerate, postoperative and neurodystrophic keratitis.



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