Rose hips – svoroborinic flowers. Rose hips has always been a symbol of beauty; youth and love in Rus. Wild rose symbolize strong men. Rosehip has long lasting worldwide fame of medicinal plant. People called rose hips “Forest doctor”.
Rose hip is a shrub up to 2m height from Rosaceae family; it has thin branches covered with shiny brown-red bark. Old branches aregrey-brown. Leaves are compound, imparipinnatewith5-7pairs of leaflets. The leaves are rather large, 5-6cm long, oblong-elliptical,serrated on the edges without glands, pubescent.
Rosehip contains vitamin C, provitamin A (carotene), B2, E, F and K vitamins. Large amount of nutrients: up to eighteen percent of sugar, up to one whole and eight-tenths percent malic acidand up to two percent citric acid, more than three percent of pectin and more than four percent of tannin, along with many other substances-iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, essential oil, lycopene, etc. have been found in the plant.
As for vitamin C quantity, rosehips exceed all the plants. Therefore, it is used as a remedy for diseases caused by vitamin C deficiency conditions. Rosehip relieves inflammation, it is good as diuretic and choleretic agent improves gastrointestinal tract function. Vitamin K improves blood clotting and aids to prothrombin formation, vitamin P strengthens capillaries, and also assists in better vitamin C metabolizing, B2 and B1vitamins effect hematopoietic system. Wild rose also decreases cholesterol in blood amount and arrests atherosclerosis development.