Walnut leaves

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Many people know that walnuts have not only excellent taste, but also a number of useful properties. But few know about the healing powers of its leaves.

Walnut leaves contain a storehouse of essential micro and macro elements. They contain vitamins of the B group, as well as C, A and P. The scope of application is also expanding due to the high content of iodine and phosphorus.

The extract of walnut leaves has a pronounced hemostatic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, astringent and analgesic effect. In the form of rinsing, it is used to treat inflammation of the oral cavity. The phosphorus in the plant supports the health of teeth and bones, helps to strengthen them. And iodine allows you to use the leaves for thyroid pathologies. Decoctions from the foliage are good for diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis, internal bleeding, gout, improve metabolism, and are useful for diabetes.