Patient Rehabilitation after oral cavity surgery, using “Kyzyl may” polyherbal oil.
Zh. B.Inkarbekov, V. E.Yevlakhov,Zh. A.Tokpanova, Zh. Sh.Yesimova
Departmentof Surgical Dentistry (Head – prof. D.S. Sagatbaev) Kazakh Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute
Nowadays surgical procedures are frequently conducted in the oral cavity to treat various pathologies. The following symptoms act as strong indications for this type of operations: benign tumors, radicular cyst, shortness of teething and teeth retention, odontogenic sinusitis and others.
As a positive outcome of a surgery postoperative wounds are, as a rule, healed by the immediate union. However, there may be a high probability of dehiscence as well, the latter leading to wound infection and subsequent suppuration. In order to avoid complications in the postoperative period one is required to take certain hygiene measures including careful oral hygiene, oral cavity rinsing with a variety of antiseptic solutions as well as stitch cleaning using 0.01% potassium permanganate solution.
Creation of favorable conditions is equally important for speeding up the healing process. For this purpose we have applied “Kyzyl may” polyherbal oil (PO), oily extract of medicinal plants (St.-John’s-wort flowers, buckthorn fruits, wild rose flowers, fruits and roots etc), known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
We examined 40 patients aged between 18 and 65, 19 men and 21women. They underwent several operations, namely:
- Tooth root apex resection-8
- Cystectomy-6
- Benignsoft tissue tumorsexcision -12
- Maxillary sinusotomy-5
- Atypicalthirdremoval -5
- Impactedteeth removal -4
Surgical procedures were performed employing traditional methods under local anesthesia with introduction of 2% novocaine solution.Soon after patients were divided into2 groups depending on type of postoperationalwound treating prescribed.30 patients made an experimental group, in which subjects utilized oil to accelerate wound healing. The other one, control group, consisted of 10 patients with identical nosological forms. They applied antiseptic mouth wash solution as a means of postoperative wound care and used a 0.01% potassium permanganate solution to clean stitches.
Prescriptions for PO application were as follows: following operation stitched up wounds were smeared withPO, then patients would do the same for another 4-5days twice a day after meals and wound cleaning.
Effectiveness of the treatment was assessed according to the following criteria:the time it takes pain and swelling of the mucous membrane to disappear and a woundto heal.
Comparative analysis of the reseach outcomes demonstrated how effective PO treating of patients proved to be in the postoperative period. Subjects from experimental group admitted to wound pain disappearing within the average of 2 hours, with mucosal swelling subsiding by three-days` end. There were noted no signs of complications such as dehiscence. Meanwhile, in the control group subjects` wound pain went away in average within 3 hours or more, swelling of the mucous membrane disappeared by 4 days` end and dehiscence was witnessed in 2 cases.
As an example we shall illustrate this with the extract from the case No. 754 / 302. Patient M., 25, was admitted to the hospital on March 13th, 1993 with a diagnosis of mandible radicular cyst at the 7, shortness of teething 7.8 – 24.93. He underwent a cystectomy and had his 7, 8 removed under local anesthesia of 2% novocaine solution. The edges were sewed up with catgut sutures. Postoperatively, PO was applied for 4 days according to the above prescription and then the subject was sent home from the hospital for outpatient observation. Examination was carried out on the 6th day following the operation and showed a completely healed wound by immediate union without any complications.
During re-examination a month later the patients from the experimental group noted formation of a gentle and hardly noticeable scar in oral cavity, while subjects in the control group said their postoperative scars were of different density and often caused much pain.
Thus our research shows the effectiveness of the “Kyzyl may” polyherbal oil in treating of patients with dental problems in the postoperative period. This medicine may be successfully used for the patient rehabilitation after elective surgeries in oral cavity.