
Disease treatment of paradont and oral mucosa by polyherbal Kyzyl May oil®.

I. Goncharova, G. S. Studentsova, S. K. Smagulov,a A.B. Ismagulova
Department of operative dentistry (head of a dep., prof. Goncharov E.I.) Kazakh Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute

By now we know more than 100 medicinal plants offered for treatment of dental diseases (5). The keen interest in phytotherapy is explained by the high efficiency of plant extracts, lack of side evidences, (peculiar to synthetic pharmacological means). In addition, the long – term therapy by plant extracts doesn’t cause the adaptation of microflora of an oral cavity. In dental practice shall apply various dosage forms (broth, tincture, ointment, paste) and different ways of local and general use (1 – 4, 6, 7); The searches of new, more efficient phytomedical products are continued. It is necessary to carry polyherbal oil Kyzyl may to a number of those. Some of medicinal plants, forming a part of polyherbal oil such as St. John’s wort, sea-buckthorn, briar, nettle and were successfully applied before in dentistry for treatment of pathology of periodontics and mucous membrane of a mouth. Oil extract of the most herbs contains the large set of biologically active agents that defines pharmacological properties of a medical product and advantage before the use of each medical plant included in its composition.

Thanks to a polyvitaminic composition and a considerable variety of actively agents, the polyherbal oil, as prescribed by the instruction for use, renders the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound – healing and immunostimulating action. Its use was reasonable for local treatment of pariodontics and oral mucosa.

We carried out the treatment in 134 patients with chronic and a storm of a chronic periodontitis (110), with a mucosal disease of an oral cavity (24). Of which there were 79 men, women 55; at the age of 40 – 15, from 41 to 50 – 88 and older 51 – 31 people.

In complex therapy of chronic and storm of a chronic periodintitis were used oil and a liniment “Kyzyl may”. Besides that, on their basis were produced dental treatment pastes with additives of medical products and set bandages. After antiseptic medical product of gingival pockets, careful removal of dental deposits, on the turunda added polyherbal oil into gingival pockets and a liniment and paste inserted by means of a carver. Applications carried out within 10 minutes daily or every other day, in total 5-7 procedures. In some cases at an intensifying of a chronic periodintitis before the use added to polyherbal oil trikhpol or metazil. The composition prepared to a pasty texture. At the same time there were placed on Ultraviolet irradiation 3-4 procedures, general therapy and hygienic measures. Oil and a liniment “Kyzylmay” formed a basis for medical product of the medical set bandages which were made when mixing with a zinc oxide and the artificial dentine taken in the ratio 1:1. The composition was imposed on edge of a gum after the closed and open flap debridement, ulotomy, flap surgery. Within two hours after overlapping of a paste or bandage was forbidden eating. After one or two applications, intake of turunda decreased a hyperaemia, hypostasis, sickliness, in 5-7 procedures the bleeding stopped, there was present the improvement in tissue condition of parodentium, in the following was observed the remission.

The treatment by polyherbal oil and a liniment was carried out in 21 patients with mucosal disease of an oral cavity. So, with traumatic stomatitis was 12, with an erosive and ulcerous form of lichen acuminatus – 2, with primary herpetic stomatitis – 1, recur aftozni stomatitis – 6, herpes iris – 1, benign migratory glossitis – 2 patients.

After anesthesis and antiseptic medical product of the affected area was inposed the napkin with polyherbal oil or a liniment for 8 – 10 minutes, the number of procedures varied from 3 to 7-8, depending on a form of disease and severity of its course. The pains decreased already by the following visit of the patient, the general well-being improved. After 3-4 procedures disappeared a hiperaemia, hypostasis, began the epithelialization. It should be noted that there were no cases of allergic reactions to medical products.

The results of treatment of chronic and acute chronic periodontitis, various mucoal diseases of a mouth, estimated according to subjective and objective data, compared to treatment outcomes of patients with the use of similar methods, but with the use of wild rose oil, karotolin, sea-buckthorn oil, vitamins A, E. On epithelialization terms, the speed of release of inflammatory process, action of polyherbal medical product was almost similar. However, the polyherbal oil and a liniment “Kyzyl may” have a number of advantages:

  1. The consistence of medical products is convenient for work as it is the medical product of versions of druf formulations.
  2. Lack of a smell and unpleasant taste don’t stimulate the salivation, thereby interfere the washing away of a medical product.
  3. Medical products don’t make dirty the tool, dressing, a mucous coat and teeth because of poorly resolved pigmentation.
  4. There is no irritant action of compositions of polyherbal oil on a mucous coat of a mouth.
  5. The “Kyzyl may” medical product is distinguished by higher efficiency and lack of allergic reactions.

Thus, polyherbal oil and a liniment “Kyzyl may” can be applied in dental practice at chronic and acute chronic periodontitis, at various mucoal diseases of a mouth which are especially proceeding with the solution of continuity.



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