
Is an incredibly useful plant, all parts of which are widely used in folk medical product and cosmetology. People are eating burdock’s leaves and roots down the ages.

Burdock belongs to Asteraceae family, or Asteraceae family. It is a big biennial herbaceous plant, of 60-180cm height. Its root is fleshy, slightly branched, up to 60 mm thick.The stem is upright, ribbed, reddish, intense branchy in the upper portion. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, of wide, mostly plain ,sometimes sinuate-toothed, green upside and grey felted downside. Flower baskets are almost spherical.

Polysaccharideinulin, proteins, essential oils, fat-like substances, palmitic acid, stearicacid, mucus, tannins, bitter and protein substances, sitosterol, resin and other substances. The leaves containe essential oils, mucus, tannins, ascorbic acid were found in burdock roots. The leaves contain essential oil, tannin substances, ascorbic acid.

Burdock root has anti-inflammatory, wound – healing, antidiabetic, diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic and mildly analgesic effects, stimulates pancreatic enzymes production, has laxative effect, improves skin condition. The plant has anti-microbial, antiseptic and disinfectant properties, eliminates itching and relieves allergy symptoms, normalizes metabolism and improves blood leukocyte count, enhances hair growth, it is therapeutic and preventive agent against stone formation and salts deposits.