ENT practice

The use peculiarities of Kyzyl May Polyherbal oil in the ENT SPECIALIST practice.

S.Sh. Baimakanova, Taukeleva S.A., R.N. Esenaliyeva, A.T. Nukutov
Department of ENT Diseases (Head – professor S.A. Baimakanova, CCH 2, Head physician, T.T. Tolendiyev) at Kazakh Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute

The Kyzyl May polyherbal oil being developed and introduced by our domestic pharmacologists found broad application in medical practice and deserved recognition of doctors in many specialties. Probably, it is caused by its high clinical efficiency, wide use in pharmacy chain, availability to people and low cost. Now the therapeutic effect of the medical product is adequately estimated both by patients and clinical physicians.

Naturally, otolaryngologists didn’t stand aside and quite widely use it both in ambulatory and stationary practice. Meanwhile, it has constantly to face cases of uncontrolled use of polyherbal oil for self-treatment that isn’t always justified from the clinical point of view.

Polyherbal oil as well as other oils is widely used in the ENT SPECIALIST practice. It should be noted that for receiving the maximum clinical effect and exception to minimum possible rather unpleasant complications, you should know not only pharmacological properties of a medical product, but also take into consideration a disease form, its stage, pathogenesis development , rightly estimate histomorphologic structure of fabrics where the medical product is applied etc. Besides, it is very important to bring the medical product into effect methodologically correct (oiling, applications, instillations etc.). Only considering these factors it is possible to achieve clinical effect and to avoid possible complications. However, it concerns not only Polyherbal oil, but also any other medical product for local application.

Thanks to a wide range of pharmacological intervention “Kyzyl May” can be successfully used at many forms of ENT organs’ pathology. These are widespread atrophic and sub-atrophic rhinitis in climatic conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, various forms of pharyngitis, chronic otitis, antritis etc. Medical indications to use polyherbal oil are rather limited at acute pathology forms of ENT organs. You should be extremely careful in using polyherbal oil at allergic, vasomotorial and infectiously atopic forms of rhinitis as a high concentration of the medical product can cause worsening of these pathology forms of nose cavity. In stationary, polyherbal oil can be used for stimulation epidermization process of radical and mastoidal cavities, in the postoperative period – after a sub- mucous resection of a nasal partition, a refraction of nose bones, perichondritis of auricles etc. You should also avoid standard polyherbal oil’s injection into a throat, because there is possible danger of laryngospasm or hypostasis of a throat (at least one patient out of one hundred) that afterwards, in our opinion, can completely exclude the medical product’s application in pure form in broad medical practice for inside guttural injections at an indirect laryngoscopy.

At the first stage of our acquaintance with a new medical product “Kyzyl May” we marked at once rather a specific reaction of it from mucous of the top airways. So, at a simple instillation of the concentrated polyherbal oil into nose cavity, undesirable reaction in the form of tickle, itch in nose cavity, paroxysmal sneezing, heavy serous separations were often observed. After examinations of such patients the most various processing were marked from mucous of a nose: hypostasis, hyperemia, areas of the local mucus’s inflammation, injection of vessels, etc. It is necessary to admit that all these changes quickly pass after cancellation of the medical product. In case of simple oiling of a throat or almonds by Polyherbal oil‘s solution the feeling of tickle, dryness, burning in a throat, cough of different degree of expressiveness etc. can be noted.

All these unpleasant and undesirable effects of polyherbal oil can be successfully avoided if you use it in rather a high extent of rarefaction by apathetic oils and apply as 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% solution.

So, while treating atrophic and sub-atrophic rhinitis, application by liniment tampons needs to be carried out with the help of the most minimum concentrated solutions. Oiling patients’ throat of sub-atrophic forms of pharyngitis, it is also necessary to use small concentration of polyherbal oil and vice versa. Areas of the expressed hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue of a throat can be oiled by the highly concentrated solutions that, in turn, lead to their reduction.

Further it is necessary to generalize the clinical experience which is saved up on the basis of our chair to prove it experimentally in order to develop optimal techniques of Polyherbal oil‘s use, its concentration, ways of injections etc.

On the basis of the received results, we find it possible to release official medical products of Polyherbal oil of different concentration for application in the ENT SPECIALIST practice, whenever possible, in the specialized packing suitable for use.